Hurricanes: The Most Expensive Natural Disaster

Know When to Call a Hurricane Damage Claim Public Adjuster Although statistics may vary, most experts agree that hurricanes are the most expensive natural disaster. The list is long and overwhelming, but simply looking at the top five storms by cost of loss can give us a snapshot of what these storms have totaled in […]
Tornado Damage: When to Call a Structural Engineer

Tornadoes are both devastating and costly. Some of the highest winds ever recorded came from within tornadoes. Although they can land just about anywhere, most tornadoes often land within tornado alley. On October 20, 2019 an EF3 tornado ripped through Dallas, Texas destroying hundreds of buildings in its 18-mile-long path. Based on the amount of […]
Why Should You Hire a Public Adjuster?

You may be wondering “What is a public adjuster, anyway?” or “Why should I hire a public adjuster?” First, a public adjuster is an insurance expert you can hire who advocates for you in the insurance claim process. Insurance companies have their own best interests and profit in mind, so you can’t count on them to […]
Hurricane Preparedness for Businesses

While a hurricane is certainly not the most pleasant thing for any business or family to endure, at the very least, we do have the advantage to being able to predict them, giving us, in some cases, a bit of time to prepare for the worst. Here are a few things your business can do to prepare for a hurricane before, during, and after this terrifying event.
How You Can Prepare Your Commercial Business for a Hurricane

When a weather event the magnitude of a hurricane hits your property, there are many things set in motion such as personal safety, debris removal, damage mitigation and insurance claim filing. Safety is the most important. Here are the most common types of damage that can occur to your commercial building, the things you can do in advance to prepare for the worst, and the most common mistakes to avoid when performing repairs.
Download Storm Damage Assessment: A Practical Guide for Assessing Storm Damage by Don Lamont
Don Lamont, CEO of D.A. Lamont Public Adjusters, LLC is your guide through the complicated practice of Storm Damage Assessment. Don and his firm have successfully worked on $100,000,000’s of Storm Damage Claims and Don is one of the Premier Adjusters in the United States today frequently helping on commercial and industrial property owners, municipal government agencies and homeowners with their insurance claims.
Top 10 States for Hail Damage

Hailstorms are not the most expensive storm per event but are the most common of damaging perils. Each year thousands of homes and businesses are damaged by hail.
Preparing your home or business for this year’s hurricane season

Hurricane season begins this June and lasts until November, mainly affecting home and business owners on the East Coast and Gulf Coast of the United States. However, due to their often times massive size and severity, high winds and rain can cross over into other states that do not border the coasts.
About D.A. Lamont, Public Adjusters
About D.A. Lamont, Public Adjusters
How to Identify and Repair Your Hail Damaged Roof

Quality roofing shingles are intended to protect your home’s roof. However, after even a minor hail storm, your once healthy roof can quickly deteriorate.