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Preparing Your Property for Winter Storms: A Checklist

Winter can be a picturesque season with its snow-covered landscapes and cozy firesides, but for commercial property owners, it also brings the challenge of preparing for winter storms. These storms can cause a range of issues, from structural damage to loss of business, which makes it essential for property owners to be proactive. With this checklist, we’ll help you get ready for winter, focusing on preventing and addressing storm-related damage. 

Roof Inspection

Your property’s roof is your first defense against winter storms. A professional roof inspection is essential before the winter arrives. Roof issues, such as leaks and vulnerabilities, can worsen due to snow and freeze-thaw cycles. 

Consider D.A. Lamont Public Adjusters’ Baseline Roof Assessment service. This service evaluates your roof’s condition, identifying hidden weaknesses and vulnerabilities. The Baseline Roof Assessment detects issues like damaged shingles, compromised flashing, and structural damage invisible to the untrained eye. It saves costs and headaches. With this information, you can discuss your roof’s condition with your insurance provider and ensure you have the right coverage. This information is crucial for understanding your roof’s state, especially for winter preparation. 

A roof inspection, along with D.A. Lamont Public Adjusters’ Baseline Roof Assessment, prepares your property for winter and provides insights for informed decisions on repairs and insurance coverage.

Insulation and Weather Stripping

Proper insulation and weather stripping can save energy and prevent cold drafts, which is not only good for the comfort of your employees and customers but also for your energy bill. Check insulation in the attic and walls, and replace or add more if needed. Ensure weather stripping around doors and windows is intact, and replace it if worn or damaged.

Plumbing and Pipe Insulation

Frozen pipes are a significant concern in winter. Insulate exposed pipes, particularly in unheated areas like basements and attics. Keep a slight trickle of water running in faucets connected to pipes that run through unheated spaces to prevent freezing. Ensure everyone on your property knows the location of the main water shut-off valve in case a pipe does burst.

Heating System Maintenance

Having a reliable heating system is crucial. Schedule a professional maintenance check to clean and inspect your heating system. Ensure it’s working efficiently and that you’re using the correct type of fuel. Consider installing a programmable thermostat to save on energy costs by reducing heat during unoccupied times. 

Fire Safety

Winter storms can lead to power outages, making alternative heating sources necessary. Ensure that any heating devices, such as space heaters or fireplaces, are in good working order and used safely. 

Additionally, be cautious when decorating your property for the holidays. Festive decorations, while beautiful, can pose fire hazards if not placed carefully. Keep decorations away from heat sources, check that electrical connections are in good condition, and never leave candles unattended. These precautions will help prevent fire-related damage during the winter season.

Snow and Ice Removal Plan

Establish a snow and ice removal plan for your property. If you’re responsible for snow removal, have a contract in place with a snow removal service before the first snowfall. Ensure that you have an adequate supply of salt or ice melt to keep walkways and parking lots safe.

Emergency Power Source

Consider having a backup power source, like a generator, in case of power outages. An emergency power source can keep essential systems running, such as security systems and heating, preventing damage to your property and ensuring the safety and comfort of occupants.

Tree Maintenance

Inspect trees on your property and trim any branches that could potentially break under the weight of snow or ice. Falling branches can damage your property and pose safety hazards to pedestrians.

Exterior Repairs

Address any exterior repairs before winter storms hit. Look for cracks in the foundation, damaged siding, or broken windows. These vulnerable areas can allow moisture to enter, leading to more significant damage.

Emergency Kit

Prepare an emergency kit for your property. This kit should include items like flashlights, extra batteries, blankets, first aid supplies, and non-perishable food. In the event of a severe winter storm, this kit can provide crucial supplies for your employees or tenants.

Insurance Coverage Review

Review your commercial property insurance policy to ensure it adequately covers winter storm-related damages. Discuss your policy with your insurance provider to make sure you have sufficient coverage in place.

Staff Training

Ensure your staff knows what to do in case of winter storm emergencies. Create an emergency plan and train employees on how to respond. Establish a clear chain of command and communication procedures.

Legal Compliance

Compliance with local laws and regulations is essential to maintaining a safe commercial property. This includes adherence to building codes, fire safety regulations, and accessibility requirements. Regularly review your property’s compliance and address any issues promptly.

Public Adjuster Consultation

Consider consulting with a public adjuster who specializes in commercial property claims. Public adjusters can help you navigate the insurance claims process, ensuring you receive fair compensation for any storm-related damage. Their expertise in insurance policies and the claims process can be invaluable during challenging times. 

Santa’s Not the Only One Checking Twice: Your Winter Storm Prep Guide 

By diligently following this comprehensive checklist, you can effectively reduce the risk of storm-related damage to your commercial property. This level of preparation is not merely about safeguarding your investment; it’s a commitment to ensuring the safety of your tenants, employees, and customers during the challenging winter season. Instead of waiting for the first snowflake to descend, it’s prudent to initiate these preparations today. 

Moreover, in the unpredictable event of storm-related damage, you don’t have to navigate the complexities of insurance claims alone. D.A. Lamont Public Adjusters can be your trusted partner. Our specialized services, including the Baseline Roof Assessment, are tailored to the unique needs of commercial property owners. We understand the intricacies of storm-related damage claims and can help you through the entire process, ensuring that you receive the full compensation you are entitled to. Contact us today to learn more about how we can assist you in preparing for winter storms and managing any potential damage. 

D.A. Lamont