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6 Tips to Reduce Insurance Claim Turnaround Times

6 Tips to Reduce Insurance Claim Turnaround Times

Making an insurance claim can be a time-consuming and frustrating process, especially if the property damage is significant. The insurance company may take a long time to assess the damage, and any setbacks in the insurance claims process can add weeks or even months to getting to your settlement. The last thing you want to do is waste your time waiting only to also have to figure out how to handle claim denials after. Here are six tips to reduce insurance claim reporting turnaround times, and reduce stress and frustration in the process. 

Gather all necessary documentation 

To reduce the turnaround time for your property damage insurance claim, gather all necessary documentation upfront, including receipts, photos of the damage, and estimates for repairs. This will help streamline the claims process and ensure that the insurance company has all the information they need to assess your claim quickly. If you’re unsure what documentation is needed, consider public adjuster services for your claims management process. 

Report the damage promptly 

Report the damage to your insurance company as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more time the insurance company will take to assess your claim, and the longer you will have to wait to receive your settlement. 

Hire a public adjuster 

Hiring a public adjuster can help reduce turnaround times when making a property damage insurance claim. Public adjusters have extensive experience in the insurance industry and can help you navigate the claims process, ensuring that your claim is submitted quickly and accurately. Public adjusters know the ins and outs of the claims process and can help you avoid common delays that often occur when making an insurance claim. They can help you negotiate with the insurance company to ensure that you receive a fair and reasonable settlement. Working with a public adjuster can often result in a larger settlement, which can help you recover from your loss more quickly. 

Be proactive 

Be proactive in the claims process by following up with the insurance company regularly. This can help to keep your claim at the forefront and reduce the time it takes for the insurance company to assess your claim.  

Be prepared for negotiations 

Be prepared for negotiations with the insurance company. Have a clear understanding of the value of your damage and be prepared to negotiate for a fair and reasonable settlement. A public adjuster can help you with this process. 

Use technology 

Consider using technology to streamline the claims process. Many insurance companies offer digital claims platforms, which can help speed up the claims process and reduce turnaround times. Additionally, using a mobile app or website to track the status of your claim can help you stay informed and reduce stress and anxiety. 

D.A. Lamont Public Adjusters 

By following these six tips, you can reduce turnaround times when making a property damage insurance claim, and receive your settlement as quickly and smoothly as possible. Using a public adjuster is one of the best ways to speed up the process and take the burden off of you as your claim is being handled by an experienced professional who has your best interests in mind. 

D.A. Lamont Public Adjusters are here to help you speed up the claim process, negotiate a better settlement, provide guidance and support, and bring you peace of mind throughout the process. We are licensed in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Contact us at 800-342-6690 or fill out our online form here. 

D.A. Lamont